Hope the New Year’s been off to a roaring start folks!
We want to say a big “THANK YOU” for all the love in 2011. We had a blast last year because you bought our music, came to our shows and gave us Twitter RT and #FF love. We continue to do what we do because of amazing fans like you who love our bands and keep supporting us.
You might have heard some rumors going around — which we’d like to confirm — that CARACAL (*meow* is there a feline theme going on here?) will be joining the KittyWu roster. We’ve known the boys for a while but only had the chance to really hang out with them during Canadian Music Week 2011 in Toronto.
Caracal blew our minds at Baybeats 2011 and we’re now gearing up to make more happen in 2012 together. If you caught them recently, you’ll know they changed up a few songs that are being included in a special edition of “Bear.Shark.Wolf.” which will be released in the second quarter of this year. We’re also lining up some exciting shows and releases for the year so follow us on Twitter @kittywurecords for the latest news.
Thanks again everyone and have a great 2012!
With love
Team Wu.